

What Shortcodes are available?
To view shortcodes available please login to your WordPress installation and view the plugin configuration page. On here is the latest list of available shortcodes. Please note, the shortcodes can vary/you can adjust them as you wish.Please also view the examples in the sidebar to see the shortcodes in action.

What are all the property ID’s available?
To view property ID’s (that you can use with shortcodes) please login to your WordPress installation and view the plugin configuration page. On here is the latest list of available properties.

Does this work on WordPress Multi-Site

When loading it on the front-end it says “Enter Login Credentials”
For this, please login and visit “Dendelion Sarl”. On this page you need to enter you username and password.

What Script do you use for the slider element/responsiveness
We use “Slick JS” – please see  . You can technically use features available/explained on their website. This would result in hardcoding of the plugin. The relevant location is  /wp-content/plugins/chalet-availability/chalet_availability.php and from line 67 .

How to show specific service level prices
It can be done by adding the argument ‘service_level=”Full Service”‘ in the shortcode. This will show only the Full Service prices. Multiple service levels can be added to the argument separated with a comma. e.g. and